Şimdi gösteriyor: Uruguay - Posta pulları (1856 - 2025) - 3964 pullar.
9. Ağustos WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 1st Anniversary of the Flight of Space Shuttle "Columbia", tip XJE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/XJE-s.jpg)
13. Eylül WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The First Imported Car, tip XJF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/XJF-s.jpg)
20. Eylül WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 150th Anniversary of the Death of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832, tip XJG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/XJG-s.jpg)
27. Eylül WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 6th Anniversary of the Death of Jose Cuneo, 1887-1977, tip XJH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/XJH-s.jpg)
17. Ekim WM: 8 Tasarım: Tomás Plá. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 200th Anniversary of Minas City, tip XJI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/XJI-s.jpg)
30. Kasım WM: 8 Tasarım: Tomás Plá. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[World Communications Year, tip AJJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJJ-s.jpg)
5. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Tonelli. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Guiseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tip AJK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJK-s.jpg)
8. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Zeppelin Flight over Montevideo. 1934, tip AJL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJL-s.jpg)
13. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Italy's Victory in Football World Cup, 1982, tip AJM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJM-s.jpg)
21. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12½ x 12¼
![[Christmas, tip AJN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJN-s.jpg)
27. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta Nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Automatic Telephone Dialling, tip AJO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJO-s.jpg)
2. Ocak WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[General Leandro Gomez Commemoration, tip AJP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJP-s.jpg)
6. Ocak WM: 8 Tasarım: Tomás Plá. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 25th Anniversary of the International Maritime Organization, tip AJQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJQ-s.jpg)
21. Mart WM: 8 Tasarım: Tomás Plá. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[American Women's Day, tip AJR]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJR-s.jpg)
23. Mart WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 25th Anniversary of the Annual Meeting of the Governors of International Development Bank, Punta del Este, tip AJS]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJS-s.jpg)
28. Mart WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Simon Bolivar, tip AJT]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJT-s.jpg)
16. Nisan WM: 8 Tasarım: Tomás Plá. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Uruguay Radio Club, tip AJU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJU-s.jpg)
25. Nisan WM: 8 Tasarım: Álvarez di Giovanni. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 1930 Football World Cup Monument, tip AJW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJW-s.jpg)
9. Mayıs WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 200th Anniversary of San Jose de Mayo, tip AJX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJX-s.jpg)
15. Mayıs WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Tourist Organization, tip AJY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJY-s.jpg)
19. Haziran WM: 8 Tasarım: Alberto del Pino. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Army Day, tip AJZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AJZ-s.jpg)
![[Army Day, tip AKA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKA-s.jpg)
21. Temmuz WM: 8 Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[General Jose Gervasio Artigas, tip AKB]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKB-s.jpg)
![[General Jose Gervasio Artigas, tip AKE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKE-s.jpg)
21. Ağustos WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Penarol Athletic Club - Winners of the European–South American Football Cup, 1982, tip AKF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKF-s.jpg)
21. Eylül WM: 8 Tasarım: Tomás Plá. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Provinces of Uruguay, tip AKG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKG-s.jpg)
17. Ekim WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Children's Council, tip AKH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKH-s.jpg)
20. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Catherine Flagothier. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Christmas, tip AKI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKI-s.jpg)
8. Şubat WM: 8 Tasarım: Tomás Plá. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The First Junior Pelota World Championship, tip AKJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKJ-s.jpg)
16. Nisan WM: 8 Tasarım: Álvarez di Giovanni. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Don Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, tip AKK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKK-s.jpg)
22. Mayıs WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12½
![[The 90th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee, tip AKL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKL-s.jpg)
21. Haziran WM: 8 Tasarım: Fernando Alvarez Cozzi. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Carlos Gardel, tip AKM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKM-s.jpg)
5. Temmuz WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 25th Anniversary of the American Air Forces' Co-operation System, tip AKN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKN-s.jpg)
5. Temmuz WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 40th Anniversary of I.C.A.O., tip AKO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKO-s.jpg)
31. Temmuz WM: 8 Tasarım: Enrique Espinola. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 50th Anniversary of the FUNSA Tyre Factory, tip AKP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKP-s.jpg)
19. Ağustos WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Catholic Workers Circle, tip AKQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKQ-s.jpg)
19. Ağustos WM: 8 Tasarım: Ángel Medina. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12½ x 12¼
![[Jose Gervasion Artigas, tip AKR]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKR-s.jpg)
![[Jose Gervasion Artigas, tip AKS]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKS-s.jpg)
![[Jose Gervasion Artigas, tip AKT]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKT-s.jpg)
26. Ağustos WM: 8 Tasarım: Rodolfo Candán. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[International Youth Year, tip AKU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKU-s.jpg)
30. Ağustos WM: 8 Tasarım: Fernando Álvarez Cozzi. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![["Return to Democracy", tip AKV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKV-s.jpg)
30. Eylül WM: 8 Tasarım: H. Añón. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[International Book Fair, tip AKW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKW-s.jpg)
29. Kasım WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Military School, tip AKX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKX-s.jpg)
9. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Noel Muñiz. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Flores Department, tip AKY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKY-s.jpg)
23. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Noel Muñiz. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Christmas, tip AKZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/AKZ-s.jpg)
![[Christmas, tip ALA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/ALA-s.jpg)
27. Aralık WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlos Menck Freire. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[Hispanidad Day, tip ALB]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/ALB-s.jpg)
7. Ocak WM: 8 Tasarım: Juan Mislej. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 3rd Anniversary of the Inter-American Agriculture Co-operation Institute Meeting, tip ALC]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/ALC-s.jpg)
14. Ocak WM: 8 Tasarım: Carlo Poumé. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[World Post Day, tip ALD]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/ALD-s.jpg)
21. Ocak WM: 8 Tasarım: Isidro García. Gravür: Imprenta nacional, Montevideo. Perforasyon: 12
![[The 6th Anniversary of the Population and the 4th Anniversary of the Housing Census, tip ALE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Uruguay/Postage-stamps/ALE-s.jpg)